Carlo Bertini's personal website

Web Developer/ Devops and problem solver adept at programming

[OT-IT] Terranet Free local wireless calls, free texting, and long distance VoIP calls

Leggendo Punto informatico, come al solito, scopre delle notizie che veramente fanno pensare bene al benessere di tutti…. TERRANET , società svedese dal sito di Free local wireless calls, free texting, and long distance VoIP calls. TerraNet technology provides all this through peer-to-peer wireless networking and with absolutely no need for base stations, antenna installations or infrastructure. You can call and text anyone within two kilometres, or up to 20 kilometres in a mesh network.

NHibernate Templates for Smart Code Generator

Introduction To learn more about Smart Code please read the next article, by clicking here. The sample code and templates, are based in the next article NHibernate Best Practices with ASP.NET . In this excellent article, Billy McCafferty, describes best practices for leveraging the benefits of NHibernate 1.2, ASP.NET. For this article we’ll try to be original…..and we’ll use the Northwind database as sample, but these examples will work with any database

[OT-SPAM] Pubblicità Ottica di mia morosa :D

Non volevo intasare il muro, ma se non lo faccio rischio la pelle :D:D:D:D:D:D Siccome l ottica di mia morosa presenta la sfilata in spiaggia questa domenica ( a Cattolica) , ecco l invito (ovviamente non serve per entrare ma solo come pubblicità) perando di vedre qualche volto conosciuto al DotNETMarche ciao a tutti e scusate lo spam !!!!!

How to Generate NHibernate Configuration Using ActiveWriter

Preview 3 has this functionality, but there are a few things to mention. ActiveWriter use ActiveRecord assembly to generate NHibernate config files. So you’ll need Castle.ActiveRecord.dll, NHibernate.dll and all necessary dependincies to make it work. Set the target to **NHibernate **This way, AW will generate .hbm.xml files for each entity in your model. Set the Assembly Path to where Castle.ActiveRecord.dll, NHibernate.dll and all necessary dependincies reside. The design decision was that, I didn’t want to package these assemblies with AW.

How to Generate NHibernate Configuration Using ActiveWriter

Preview 3 has this functionality, but there are a few things to mention. ActiveWriter use ActiveRecord assembly to generate NHibernate config files. So you’ll need Castle.ActiveRecord.dll, NHibernate.dll and all necessary dependincies to make it work. Set the target to **NHibernate **This way, AW will generate .hbm.xml files for each entity in your model. Set the Assembly Path to where Castle.ActiveRecord.dll, NHibernate.dll and all necessary dependincies reside. The design decision was that, I didn’t want to package these assemblies with AW.