Eucalypto - ASP.NET CMS library using NHibernate


Eucalypto is an open source .NET business/server library to help writing ASP.NET content management web sites. Eucalypto currently supports these features:

  • Users/Membership
  • Roles
  • Profiles
  • Forum
    • Categories
    • Attachments
    • Answer notifications
    • Formatted text
    • RSS
    • Category level permissions
  • Content management
    • Categories
    • Formatted text
    • Attachments
    • RSS
    • Category level permissions
  • News
    • Categories
    • RSS
    • Category level permissions

Eucalypto uses NHibernate for all data access and can work with any database supported by NHibernate (SQLite, SQL Server, MySql, Firebird, Access, Oracle, …).

Eucalypto is well integrated with ASP.NET 2.0 using the standard provider model classes (MembershipProvider, RoleProvider, ProfileProvider, …).