Quello che mi mancava, dopo aver giocato x 2 gg con ubuntu, è il fatto di avere piu’ desktop contemporaneamente … codeplex come al solito ci da una mano :D (sopprattutto la gente che hosta li i loro lavori)

Direttamente da codeplex:


Vista provides developers with the new DWM based aero interface. A new set of thumbnail API’s can be used to access some of this new technology. This virtual desktop program takes advantage of this new API and uses some tricks of its own to provide a powerful virtual desktop manager with a full screen thumbnail based preview. You can have as many desktops as you want and can seamlessly switch between them.
But wait! What if you still are using XP? Don’t worry, Vista/XP Virtual Desktops provides support for XP as well, although window previews are not live since XP doesn’t have DWM.
Vista Virtual Desktops is managed by Z-Systems. The Z-Systems website also has a Vista Virtual Desktop page.

Here are a few screenshots of the program in action:
Screenshot 1 This image shows the main preview window that has thumbnails of all of your open windows on each desktop.
Screenshot 2 This image shows the indicator window that appears whenever you switch to a different desktop.
Screenshot 3 This image shows the main preview window with 6 desktops!
Screenshot 4 This image shows the indicator window with 6 desktops!

Link http://www.codeplex.com/vdm

Technorati Tags: Desktop manager,tools